I will make sure we create an environment that welcomes new ideas and innovation. I will partner with the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and others to work on cutting-edge cybersecurity programs, to make sure Missouri has one of the most advanced cyber defenses in the country.
I’m committed to identifying waste and fraud in our government so that we can spend taxpayer dollars on programs that really make a difference for the people of Missouri. For example, I’ll be watching for opportunities where we can save money by improving our online services.
My number one priority will be to fight for you in the state capitol, to implement new ideas and approaches that save taxpayer dollars, and to hold government officials accountable.
Throughout Missouri, there are many qualified candidates who may have an interest in serving in the Auditor’s office. I believe that we are best served if my staff reflects the many qualified people of this state who want to serve in public service.
I will audit the state government and identify areas of inefficiency, opportunities for improving services and reducing cost, identify duplication and waste, with an aim of saving or reallocating state resources.
It is my goal to protect and save valuable tax dollars so that the funds may go back into the community. I believe that with a platform such as this, we will be able to save money while also ensuring accountability and transparency in government.
I am committed to assembling and retaining a dedicated team of professionals who are willing to take on and tackle the difficult tasks that come with this position. I believe that Missouri needs to have a team that is knowledgeable, well versed, proficient on the issues, and will work hard to protect our valuable tax dollars. Maintaining the right staff will be crucial to watching and protecting Missourian’s dollars.
I will make sure that Missourians are properly informed and that they know their government is working for them. As Missouri’s elected Auditor, I will stand up to powerful interests and make sure the taxpayers’ money is being spent wisely.
As Missouri’s Auditor, I will educate the public on the functions of the office by:
– Regularly visiting all corners of the state to meet with Missourians
– Communicating what we do and what can be audited
– Encouraging people to contact us about their concerns by establishing by making the office more visible by visiting all areas regularly
– Fighting for issues most important to Missourians
– Focusing on transparency, accountability, and efficiency in operations.
I have a diverse background working in both the public and private sectors. My public sector experience includes being a police officer working with the public closely to reduce and prevent crime. Holding policy and executive administrative positions allowed me to improve government efficiencies and be a legislator who crafted laws intended to improve the quality of life for Missourians. And working in the financial sector as a business owner helping others to succeed. I promise you, as Auditor, every day I will strive for greater transparency and to fight to protect our valuable public dollars by employing all of my lessons and experiences.